1. Use the left and right arrow buttons, or the slide number input, to navigate to a slide that contains the content you would like to auto-generate questions from.

  2. Once you have navigated to your desired slide, use the checkboxes of detected content underneath the slide navigation to select which content you would like to auto-generate questions with.

    1. You may choose as much content as you want. MateriALL will automatically combine all text content into one text block.
  3. Once you are ready, click generate to start creating questions. A pop-up will appear, where you can choose what type of question you would like to generate and make any necessary changes.

  4. Use the “Worksheet Preview” and “Answer Key Preview” tabs at the bottom of the modal to see what the question will look like on your worksheet, and on your answer key.

  5. When your question is ready, click the red add button to transfer it to your Google Doc.

    ❗️After adding your question, it will show up as an answer key on your Google Doc. You will need to move onto the next step and convert to material in order to convert this answer key into a worksheet.


MateriALL’s Question Types


The “Original” option in the sidebar allows you to add selected content in its current form, with no auto-generated content from MateriALL.

This is also a great way to check and see how MateriALL might have combined your content, if you selected more than one piece of original content from your slide deck to work with.

Click the red add button to add this to your Google Doc.

original content.jpg

True/False Question

The “True/False” option in the sidebar allows you to create true/false questions with your content. You can click the true/false toggle to quickly make your statement true or false. You can also edit the statement directly, or you can click other statement options to see what other true or false statements that MateriALL has generated.

Click the red add button to add this to your Google Doc.


Fill-In-The Blank Question

The “Fill-In-The Blank” option in the sidebar allows you to create fill-in-the blank questions with your content. MateriALL will auto-generate a statement with a blank in it. To add or take away blanks in your statement, click edit blanks, which will open another pop-up. In this pop-up, red, underlined words in the statement will show up as blanks in your final worksheet. Click on individual words to toggle them blank or viewable in your statement.

Click the red add button to add this to your Google Doc.


Multiple Choice Question

The “Multiple Choice” option in the sidebar allows you to create multiple choice questions with your content. MateriALL needs you to select a word in your selected content to auto-generate multiple choice options for. Similar to fill-in-the blank questions, click edit options to select a word or group of words, then select multiple choice options for. The red, underlined option will be the marked correct answer in your answer key.

Click the red add button to add this to your Google Doc.


Short Answer Question

The “Short Answer” option in the sidebar allows you to create short answer questions with your content. MateriALL cannot auto-generate new short answer questions for you, but it does provide extensive formatting functionalities such as answer space size and lines that MateriALL will provide for you.

Click the red add button to add this to your Google Doc.

sa - lined.png